How to Make DIY Oils for Hair Growth: Recipes + How to Use

Create a hair-care haven right in your home - follow our easy guide to making DIY oil for hair growth.

March 8, 2024 4 minutes read
Woman with healthy hair holding a hair growth oil

In This Post

If you're struggling with hair loss and thinning, there's probably no beauty trick you haven't tried already. But did you know that oiling your scalp and hair with DIY oil blends could be the solution you've been looking for? These might not give you Rapunzel-like locks, but can help massively if you just want to nudge your hair to grow a little faster and prevent excessive shedding.

In today's comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the ingredients and recipes for making your own hair growth oil and some practical advice on how to use it for best results.

How to Make DIY Oil for Thicker and Healthier Hair

Making a homemade oil for hair growth is all about selecting the right combination of base and essential oils, as well as herbs. When blending these oils, it's essential to keep proportions in mind. A general guideline is to have 90-95% of your mixture be your base oils, with the remaining 5-10% comprising essential oils.

DIY Hair Growth Oil With Castor Oil Recipe

castor oil

For those struggling with thinning hair, castor oil is a godsend. Its high fatty acid content, especially ricinoleic acid, promotes blood circulation to the scalp, encouraging hair growth and thickness.

You'll need:


  1. Prepare the flaxseeds first by grinding them in a food processor or a coffee grinder.
  2. In a glass jar, big enough to fit these amounts, mix the carrier oils first, jojoba and castor oil.
  3. Then add the henna powder and the ground flaxseeds and stir well to mix all the ingredients.
  4. Lastly, add your essential oil blend and give it another stir.
  5. Let the mixture steep for 24-48 hours. The powder and the ground seed will sink to the bottom of the jar, so give it an occasional stir to ensure that your oil base absorbs all the goodness from the herbs.

Note: Be mindful that castor oil is pretty thick and could be a pain to wash out. So, be prepared to shampoo your hair three or four times after this oil treatment. Otherwise, the thick oil may collect in the pores and around hair follicles, causing more shedding in the future.

DIY Hair Growth Oil With Coconut Oil Recipe

coconut oil

A staple in many hair care regimens, coconut oil is revered for its deep moisturizing properties. It also works wonders in preventing protein loss – a common culprit behind weak and brittle hair [source]. It's a great choice if you have dry hair and scalp.

You'll need:

  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons sesame oil
  • 6 tablespoons amla powder
  • 2 tablespoons Fenugreek seeds
  • 20 drops thyme essential oil
  • 20 drops lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops tea tree oil
  • A glass jar


  1. For these oils to blend well, you'll need to melt the coconut oil first. You can do it in the microwave, on a low setting for 30 seconds. Stir it every ten seconds to help it liquify faster and evenly. If you don't have a microwave, you can do melt the oil on a stovetop; just, again, make sure to do it over low heat.
  2. Also, pre-prepare the Fenugreek seeds by grinding them in a coffee grinder or a food processor.
  3. Then, follow the same preparation method as in the previous recipe: blend the carrier oils first, add the powder and seeds, and mix in the essential oils last.
  4. Again, let it steep for 1 to 3 days before using. As soon as you see that the seeds are settled on the bottom of the jar, gently stir the mixture to realease the properties of the herbs in the oil blend.

Note: If available to you, use virgin, unrefined coconut and olive oil instead of refined oils, as virgin, cold-pressed oils contain more healing compounds and antioxidants.

DIY Hair Growth Oil With Rosemary Oil Recipe

rosemary oil

This nature's miracle is known for its ability to improve cellular generation, which means it helps stimulate hair follicles to grow. Additionally, rosemary oil, as well as rosemary water, has been shown to improve blood flow to the scalp, promoting hair growth. Here's a simple recipe for making a rosemary oil hair blend.

You'll need:

  • ½ cup argan oil
  • ½ cup sweet almond oil
  • 6 tablespoons rosemary essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil
  • 3 tablespoons ground pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • 20 drops clary sage oil
  • 20 drops cedarwood oil
  • 10 drops peppermint oil
  • A glass jar


  1. Combine argan oil and sweet almond oil in a small mixing bowl. Stir well to ensure they are thoroughly mixed.
  2. Measure and add two tablespoons of pumpkin seed oil to the bowl. Stir again.
  3. Next, add the essential oils, rosemary, clary sage, cedarwood, and ten drops of peppermint oil. Mix the oils thoroughly to ensure even distribution.
  4. Gradually add the ground pumpkin seeds and cinnamon to the oil mixture, stirring continuously to avoid clumping.
  5. Ensure that all ingredients are well combined.
  6. Use a funnel (if needed) to carefully pour the oil mixture into the glass jar. Make sure to transfer all the contents, including any ground pumpkin seeds that might have settled at the bottom of the bowl.

Note: Seal the glass jar tightly to preserve the oil's freshness. Store the jar in a cool, dark place to prevent the oils from becoming rancid. Before each use, shake the jar well to ensure the ingredients are properly mixed.

How to Use Your DIY Hair Growth Oil

woman applying hair oil

Applying oil to your scalp and hair will, naturally, leave your hair quite a bit greasy. So, use your DIY hair oil treatment before washing your hair and follow these steps:

Step 1. Section your hair. This step isn't necessary, but it will help you apply the oil evenly across your scalp, especially if you have dense hair.

Step 2. Apply the oil. With a dropper, apply the oil to your scalp between each section, starting from the front of your hairline and going all the way back. Remember that little goes a long way, and you don't want the oil dripping down your face.

Step 3. Massage. Using gentle circular motions, massage the oil into your scalp with your fingertips to improve blood flow.

Step 4. Spread to the lengths. Don't forget the length of your hair, especially if it is dry or damaged. You can use a wide-tooth wooden comb to spread the oil evenly and reduce tangles gently.

Step 5. Leave it on. For best results, leave the oil on for at least two hours or overnight if possible. If leaving it overnight, tie your hair in a loose bun and protect your pillowcase with a towel. Alternatively, you can wrap your hair in a shower cap or whatever you have available. In addition to protecting your bedding, a shower cap will trap the heat and help the oil penetrate deeper into your scalp and hair.

Step 6. Wash off. The next morning, use a gentle shampoo to remove the oil. If your hair still feels oily, you might need to shampoo it twice or three times.

Step 7. Condition and dry. Follow up with a conditioner, even if your hair feels soft, to ensure that your hair retains moisture. Avoid using heat-styling tools immediately after an oil treatment. Instead, let your hair air dry if possible.

Depending on your hair type, an overnight oil treatment can be done once a week or even bi-weekly. Over-oiling can lead to scalp issues, so finding a balance is important.


Keep in mind that patience and consistency are the key to healthy hair. So use your DIY oil for hair growth regularly, and remember to have fun while doing so – stressing over hair thinning can only make things worse. Therefore, make sure to treat your body with love and care, and your hair, as well as your overall well-being, will flourish.

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